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Alberto's Mushroom Risotto

cooking, recipies2 min read

I was going through some old archivies when I came across this risotto recipe that was given to me by my Italinan friend Alberto. I met alberto at the international housing at UCSD. He was living with Liam Boogar, another old suitmate of mine from freshman year of college. Alberto was a kind, soft spoken and unassuming human with incredible depth and perceptive abilities. We bonded because we both played the sitar. I remember being surprised to find an Italinan studying in the US who even knows about the Sitar, let alone how to play it. Alberto and I stayed in touch and I actually went and visited him towards the end of college when I was studying abroad in Sweden (2009). The name of the little town he lived in escapes me (I think it started witha ?P) but I remember it being near Bologna. We were hosted by his family who cooked us this AMAZING italian musroom risotto meal followed by little espressos shots that he made using his stove-top espresso maker. Alberto was gracious enough to share his risotto recipe with me and even gave me his single shot stove-top espresso to take home as a souvenir. Alberto and I unfortunately lost touch but I hope to catch up with him again sometime. use I still use the espresso maker he gave me to this very day. Below is the recipe as written by Alberto

Alberto Risotto Recipe

Mushroom Risotto

Hey guys!! Here I am with the recipe for the risotto with mushrooms..

So, you need first of all to prepare a vegetable soup to use for boiling the rice.. I guess you know how to do that, just take a pot full of water and boil it for 1 to 2 hours with carrots, potatoes, celery, onion, and some salt as you like it.

Then, you should take a pan, fry some chopped onion with olive oil for while, without making the onion turn brown.

Add the mushrooms (the quantity depends on your taste, if you use a refrigerated package it will be written there..) and, if you have it, add some leaves of parsley chopped.

Cook for a while, until the mushrooms get soft, then add the rice (200 grams for two people more or less), and stir with a wooden spoon adding some white wine (more or less 4 or 5 table spoons).

Now, before the rice sticks to the bottom of the pan, start to add the vegetable soup, paying attention that the rice doesn't get dry. While you do this, the soup must continue boiling.

So, add some soup and stir the rice, then when the rice has absorbed it, add some other. Continue with this operation until the risotto is ready (the time depends on the type of rice you use).

I usually add, while cooking, some ginger powder, but this is up to you... :)

Maybe it is a bit confused, I don't have a recipe written, and I am just following my memory. But if you have any question, I will be glad to answer..

Good luck, and "Buon appetito!"

sciaooooo, Alberto

Edit: OMG I found Alberto on facebook and the town he lives in. Its called Padova!!! I sent him a message on fb. Lets see if he responds.