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Web Dev Basics

misc, Coding1 min read

Like I mentioned in my about page, my overall goal is to create content simultaneously while learning how to create content. In this post, I will be exploring some of the basics of web development, starting off with the basic components and languages on the front end. Jessica Chan (@codercoder) does a great job of explaining these concepts here.

Website Basics

Websites are basically a bunch of files that are hosted on some server somwhere that we can access and interact with. When we launch a website, we ask the server to basically execute the files in the browser

Frontend vs Backend

Frontend refers to the stuff you are seeing when you access the website. Backend refers to all the behind the scenes stuff that makes things go together smoothly.

Frontend files

The front end is bascially made up of 3 types of files: HTML, CSS, and Javascript

  1. HTML: allows you to modifications to basic text: ex - headers, boldings, italics, indentation etc.

  2. CSS: Lets you style that HTML to make it look pretty (colors, layout etc)

  3. Javascript: Lets the user perform functions that interact with the frontend and can change the output (makes website more dynamic - ex: back to top button, weather widget)